
A great conference is made with great contents. For great contents we need great sponsors. Please join us in making foss-north 2025 the best foss-north of them all by helping us bring together the best sponsors, contents and audience!

Call for Papers

The call for papers is now closed. Thank you for all contributions. The confirmed speakers are available from the program.

Thank you for contributing!

Call for Volunteers

foss-north is a small conference, and most of the administration around it is done by two persons. During the actual conference however, we require more manpower than that, for registration, speaker introductions, microphone running, photography, filming talks, editing filmed talks, handling social media, etc.

If you like free and open source software, and if you want to help out with any of the things mentioned above, reach out to info [at] We are not able to pay anything for your help, but you'll get a ticket to the conference, and we try to schedule our work so that you will be able to attend any talks that are of particular interest to you.

If you are interested in joining the organizing group on a more permanent basis, we welcome that, too!

Call for Sponsors

We want to create the meeting space for open source communities in the Nordic region. The foss-north event is one step on that path. Nothing of this would be possible by the support of our sponsors.

We are looking for sponsors of all sizes to be a part of the foss-north event. We offer the following tiers:

Benefit Base Silver Gold
Cost 10kSEK 40kSEK 75kSEK
Availability Unlimited 3 2
Logo and link Yes, small Yes, large Yes, largest
Mention in keynote   Yes Yes
Appearance in keynote     Yes
Number of free tickets 3 5 10

We are also offering a limited number of booths for our sponsors. Please tell us if you are interested in this.

You find a more detailed information in our sponsorship prospectus. Prospective sponsors are welcome to contacting